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Revision af693b2e

Added by Kévin Redon over 4 years ago

schematic: rename NP to DNP for clarity

Change-Id: I06c38e353f2b804faa0dcbf4a9405d5d5042af3e

View differences:

265 265
F 1 "100K" V 2300 3750 50  0000 C CNN
266 266
F 2 "SM0603" H 2300 3750 60  0001 C CNN
267 267
F 3 "" H 2300 3750 60  0001 C CNN
F 4 "NP" V 2200 3750 50  0000 C CNN "Place"
F 4 "DNP" V 2200 3750 50  0000 C CNN "Place"
269 269
F 5 "no needed since we don't read FLAG" V 2300 3750 50  0001 C CNN "Note"
270 270
	1    2300 3750
271 271
	0    -1   -1   0   
827 827
F 1 "ERASE" H 3800 1000 40  0000 C CNN
828 828
F 2 "PIN_ARRAY_2X1" H 4150 950 60  0001 C CNN
829 829
F 3 "" H 4150 950 60  0001 C CNN
F 4 "NP" H 4150 1000 50  0000 C CNN "Place"
F 5 "the pertruding through pins might get shorted when the board lies on a conductive surface, leading to unwanted flash erase" H 4150 950 50  0001 C CNN "Note"
F 4 "DNP" H 4150 1000 50  0000 C CNN "Place"
F 5 "the protruding through hole pins might get shorted when the board lies on a conductive surface, leading to unwanted flash erase" H 4150 950 50  0001 C CNN "Note"
832 832
	1    4150 950 
833 833
	-1   0    0    -1  
834 834
840 840
F 1 "TEST" H 4500 1100 40  0000 C CNN
841 841
F 2 "PIN_ARRAY_2X1" H 4150 1050 60  0001 C CNN
842 842
F 3 "" H 4150 1050 60  0001 C CNN
F 4 "NP" H 4150 1100 50  0000 C CNN "Place"
F 5 "the pertruding through pins might get shorted when the board lies on a conductive surface, leading to false signal" H 4150 1050 50  0001 C CNN "Note"
F 4 "DNP" H 4150 1100 50  0000 C CNN "Place"
F 5 "the protruding through hole pins might get shorted when the board lies on a conductive surface, leading to false signal" H 4150 1050 50  0001 C CNN "Note"
845 845
	1    4150 1050
846 846
	1    0    0    -1  
847 847
1480 1480
F 1 "100K" H 3200 4700 40  0000 C CNN
1481 1481
F 2 "SM0603" V 2980 4700 30  0001 C CNN
1482 1482
F 3 "" H 3050 4700 60  0001 C CNN
F 4 "NP" H 3200 4600 50  0000 C CNN "Place"
F 4 "DNP" H 3200 4600 50  0000 C CNN "Place"
1484 1484
F 5 "not needed since we don't read VCC_SIM" H 3050 4700 50  0001 C CNN "Note"
1485 1485
	1    3050 4700
1486 1486
	1    0    0    -1  
1493 1493
F 1 "100K" H 3200 3150 40  0000 C CNN
1494 1494
F 2 "SM0603" V 2980 3150 30  0001 C CNN
1495 1495
F 3 "" H 3050 3150 60  0001 C CNN
F 4 "NP" H 3200 3050 50  0000 C CNN "Place"
F 4 "DNP" H 3200 3050 50  0000 C CNN "Place"
1497 1497
F 5 "not needed since we don't read VCC_SIM" H 3050 3150 50  0001 C CNN "Note"
1498 1498
	1    3050 3150
1499 1499
	1    0    0    -1  
2426 2426
	1    850  4450
2427 2427
	1    0    0    -1  
2428 2428
Text Notes 9250 6700 0    59   ~ 0
NP = do Not Place (because not required)
Text Notes 10100 6750 0    59   ~ 0
DNP = Do Not Place\n(because not required)
2431 2431
Wire Wire Line
2432 2432
	2400 4300 3450 4300
2433 2433

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